4. mednarodni fotografski natečaj ABSTRACT 2023

SLO: Spoštovane fotografinje, spoštovani fotografi!

Vabljeni k sodelovanju na 4. mednarodni fotografski natečaj ABSTRACT 2023

Natečaj poteka v soorganizaciji Fotografskega društva Jesenice in JSKD Jesenice ter pod pokroviteljstvom Fotografske zveze Slovenija.

Več inforamcij najdete v RAZPISU spodaj.


4. mednarodni fotografski natečaj ABSTRACT 2023

4th international photography exhibition ABSTRACT 2023

ENG: Dear photographers!

You are invited to participate in the 4th international photography exhibition ABSTRACT 2023.

The competition is organized by The Photographic society of Jesenice, in cooperation with JSKD Jesenice and the sponsorship of Photographic association of Slovenia.

You can find more information in the PROPOSITIONS below.


4th international photography exhibition ABSTRACT 2023