Spoštovani udeleženci natečaja Abstract 2021.
Hvala za sodelovanje na 2. mednarodnem natečaju »Abstract 2021«. Na natečaj je prispelo 1941 fotografij 184 avtorjev.
Razstava nagrajenih fotografij in podelitev priznanj bosta 5. oktobra 2021 v Banketni dvorani v Kolpernu na Stari Savi (Fužinska cesta 2, Jesenice).
Čestitke in dobro luč.
Organizacijski odbor natečaja Abstract 2021
Dear participants of the Abstract 2021 International Exhibition!We would like to thank to all photographers who participated in the second International Photo Exhibition “Abstract 2021”. The committee received as many as 1941 photos, sent by 184 authors.
The exhibition opening and the award ceremony will take place on October 5, 2021, at 6 pm, in the Kolpern Banquet hall in Stara Sava (Address: Fužinska cesta 2, 4270 Jesenice).
Congratulations and good lighting.
The organizing committee of the Abstract 2021 competition
Photo by Sonja Janša Gazič